Being currently childless and having only recently succumbed to holding a newborn (under the supervision and tutelage of Therese), I sometimes feel babies are one of the most unfathomable things in the universe, next to the Navier-Stokes equations, Fermi's paradox and why food always tastes better when mum cooks it.
People portraits are easy, adults can be engaged... but babies... They seem capable of mocking you by not looking into the lens or looking straight through you as though you were the most uninteresting person they had seen that day jumping up and down like a chimp and making monkey noises (I do that a lot around babies for no apparent reason other than some misguided attempt at failed communication).
I've steered clear of baby photography for just such reasons... however...
Some friends in The Can thankfully had the most chilled and friendly baby for me to do a session with (a particular thanks for the stick-in-mouth pose, that made my day).Without any further ado, I move into the realm of family photography. Tell your friends!
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Ged M for tips and guidance, and the Walters for assuaging my fear with such a great kid.